Feenstra Tops Virgil in 4th District Primary, Will Face Melton in General Election

by Brian Wilson

Fourth district Congressman Randy Feenstra of Hull has defeated Republican Primary challenger Kevin Virgil by 20 points. Feenstra issued a written statement Tuesday night, saying voters sent the message they want a conservative voice in congress, and he’s humbled by the strong support for his campaign. During a forum in Cherokee last week, Feenstra discussed his decision to run for the U-S House in 2020.

Feenstra beat fellow Republican Steve King in that first race and he’s defeated the candidate King endorsed in this 2024 G-O-P Primary. Ryan Melton of Nevada is again the Democratic Party’s nominee in the fourth congressional district. Melton says the top concerns he hears from voters haven’t changed much since 2022.

Melton, who got 30% of the vote in his 2022 race, says concerns about the proposed carbon capture pipelines come up at nearly every campaign stop.

Republicans hold a sizable voter registration edge in Iowa’s fourth district — there are nearly 153-thousand more Republicans than active Democratic voters.

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