First Baby of 2025 Delivered at KRHC

by Brian Wilson

–It didn’t take long for the first baby to be born at Kossuth Regional Health Center in 2025, as an Algona couple welcomed a baby girl on New Year’s Day.

According to KRHC, Vienna Arianeth Chanelo was born on January 1st, weighing 7lbs and measuring 20 inches long. Dr. Brent Owen delivered the child for the proud parents, Jasmine Flores and Nick Chanelo of Algona.

For being the first child born in 2025, Vienna and her parents were presented a gift basket from KRHC, which includes baby items from the KRHC Auxiliary Gift Shop and a homemade quilt from KRHC staff member Janet Perkins.

The healthcare providers at Kossuth Regional Health Center deliver approximately 130 babies a year. You can find more information about obstetrics care and educational opportunities by going online to

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