Mobile History Museum Making Stops Around the Area

by Brian Wilson

–A mobile history museum will make stops across NW Iowa in the next few weeks, highlighting different aspects of early 20th Century history in Iowa. Michael Luick-Thrams tells KLGA News the Bus-eum is featuring five exhibits detailing different aspects of life in Iowa prior to World War II, from 1914-1941.

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Luick-Thrams says they will be in Fort Dodge Thursday for a special event.


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When the Bus-eum travels across the state, Luick-Thrams says the get different types of visitors.


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Luick-Thrams says each of the exhibits have themes that resonate today, including an early distributor of “Fake News”.


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The mobile bus will be at the Fort Museum in Fort Dodge from 10-5 Thursday, to go along with stops in Spirit Lake on September 1st and Spencer on September 2nd. For more information or to view a schedule of wear the bus will be next, go online to

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