Emmetsburg Man Cited Following 2-Vehicle Crash

by Brian Wilson

–An Emmetsburg man was cited following a 2-vehicle accident along Highway 18 Sunday morning.

According to the Palo Alto County Sheriff’s Office, 20-year-old Jaxon Curry was westbound on Highway 18 in a 1997 Ford F150 just before 11:30 AM Sunday. As Curry was traveling about 2 miles west of Emmetsburg, he lost control of his truck and sideswiped a 2022 Toyota Camry, driven by 39-year-old Zachary Janssen of Stevenson, Washington.

The accident report states that the roadway was icy at the time of the collision. A passenger in Janssen’s vehicle received minor injuries and was transported to the Palo Alto County Hospital.

Both vehicles were considered a total loss. Curry was cited for failure to maintain control.

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